"...true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people

to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” 

John 4:23-24




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  • Romero's Mission trip in August

    Holly, Ariel, Zane and Colton are headed to the Philippines in August.

    If anyone is interested in donating some things for the kids at Helping Hands and Mercy House, there are lists available in the Welcome center and as you enter the Sanctuary on the Worship center table.

  • Mission Trip to Mexico April 2025

    Come learn more at the information meeting on Aug 4th after the Sunday service.

  • River Float August 18th

    Join us for a fun and relaxing day floating down the river.  Sign up on Church Center, let us know how many will be participating and if you need a float.  See you there!

  • Back to School Prayer Walk Aug. 25th

    Join us as we join to together to pray over our schools on Aug. 25th.  Meet at the Church parking lot at 4pm to divide into groups and locations.