Connect Groups

Below you will find all of our Connect Groups.

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  • Mama Bear Apologetics

    A study for those committed to equipping the next generation.

    For all parents, grandparents, teacher, coaches, anyone who is investing in the life of a child.

    Second Sunday each month 4:00pm - 6:30pm

        Becky Columbo -  

  • Rooted

    We are currently studying "Know your Enemy and be Alert to his Tactics

    Couples and singles (with or without children). 

    Wednesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

              Erica Thompson  --

              Nikki Parker --

  • Rick's Group

    Bible study, all adults welcome! 

    We will resume September 11th and finish the Study on Daniel, then will start a new study, "Confident in the Face of Hard Questions".

    Wednesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

              Rick Byrd  --

  • Nesters

    Women together in faith, friendship, and fellowship. 

    Fourth Thursday of each month, 6pm, lower level of the church. Food and fellowship, followed by Women of the Bible discussion and prayer time

                Kathie Dudley --

  • Girl Talk

    All women welcome. 

    Usually meet at One Church ... Occasionally off-site

    Sundays 4pm - 5:30pm

              Gala Rice  --

  • Disciples of the KING

    A group for men who want to take their relationship with Jesus to a new level through Study of the Word and being sharpened by other men who desire to be real in dealing with life's challenges and victories.

    Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

              John Columbo  --

  • Couples Connect Group

    Couples (40s+)

    1st and 3rd Mondays

    6pm - 8pm

              Tammy Pressley  --

              Kim Rogers --

  • Acts 2:42

    Multigeneration Couples, singles, younger and older

    2nd and 4th Tuesdays

    6pm - 8pm at the Caldwell's house

                  Eric & Connie Caldwell  --


  • Jiu-Jitsu


    7pm Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall

            Pastor Wes Parker --

            Jasen VanDyke --

  • Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)

    All Adults

    Tuesdays 6:30pm - 8:00pm at First Baptist Church, Brevard

    You can register for classes at

    Please see video below for more information

              Linda Kimbrough --

Bible Study Fellowship Introductory Video

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